Mother's Note:
Set my children up for success. They will not eat a challenging breakfast without encouragement, milk and honey. (Romans 5:8)
Child's Note:
Recognize that whatever you're given is slathered in milk and honey. Momma don't make no junk, and neither does your Heavenly Father. (Romans 8:28)
Mother's Note:
Never give your baby more raisin peanut oatmeal than you are willing to clean up. (John 3:16)
Child's Note:
When God gives you a warm, sweet, bountiful bowl of goodness, knowing He will probably have to clean it all up, don't throw it on the floor. He is responsible and willing for all that He gives you, but you are responsible for what you do with it. (Heb 4:1)
Mother's Note:
When Baby is a mess and needs a thorough cleaning, I'm never thinking of throwing out Baby. (Romans 8:39)
Child's Note:
When you are covered in your mess, hold still. If you pitch a fit and refuse to stand up, you will be unceremoniously set on your tush. And it doesn't matter how hard you cry. (Proverbs 3:34)
Mother's Note:
When you give provision to your child, they may not appreciate it, but that doesn't stop you from making sure they have all they need. (Psalm 132:15)
Child's Note:
If you don't appreciate what you are given, you certainly can't expect more. But that doesn't mean you can't ask. You are loved either way, you just might have lost your breakfast. (1 Thes 5:18)
Mutual Note: (Mommy with Baby eating orange slices in her lap...)
There is no sweeter place to be than right here, right now, with YOU. (Psalm 118:24)
Thank You, Lord for letting me see Your heart towards me. Help me to be Your very sincere child and apply all of this to my life. Today. (Heb 3:13)
Now, to go be with my children.
In the Love and Constant Provision of Jesus,
Carmen Sunshine