Monday, December 28, 2009

Perfectly Imperfect

Continuing in finding gratitude and grace:

225. Perfectly imperfect FAMILY
226. Things to learn
227. Things to teach
228. Things to walk through together
229. Bountiful tables
230. Cold
231. Bright clear blue Christmas skies
232. Toasted pecans and marshmallow topping
233. Nephews
234. Hot running water
235. Pants that fit
236. Healthy children
237. Christian fellowship
238. Sentimentality
239. Soft hearts
240. Second chances
241. Willing sisters
242. Warm homes that stand against the wind
234. Unrequited love
235. Devotionals
236. Time with Jesus
237. Welcomed inside warm doors
238. Children
239. Holding hands
240. Rubbing noses
241. Listening eyes
242. Quiet answers
243. Patience
244. Welcome
245. Differences
246. Wistling little boys
247. Twirling little girls
248. Searching voices of little ones
249. Beds enough for more
250. Wind waving pines
251. Bubbles
252. Tutus
253. Vests
254. Hot tea
255. Warm hearts
256. Gold speckled blue eyes
257. Sincerity
258. Deep dark brown
259. One of many
260. Honest implorings

For these few things, and many more, I humbly say,
Thank You, Lord God. I am not worthy.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Giving Thanks, Receiving Blessing

Today, I receive that the Lord wants to bless me and has good things in store for me. Today I embrace that no one loves me like God. He can be trusted and I will rely on that not only for the big decisions, but for the little ones as well. I endeavor to embark on vacation with expectation for delight, ready to receive, looking for His hand. And all along the way, I will give thanks. Tonight I am packed, for vacation, with anticipation. I expect to see Jesus along the way.

201. Very patient husbands
202. Very giving fathers
203. Very persistent daughters
204. Very active sons
205. More clothes than I can wash, sort, fold or pack
206. Too many choices
207. Men who want to teach me
208. A husband who wants to share his interests with me
209. The freedom to own a firearm in our nation
210. Competent and responsible citizens
211. Last minute baby sitters
212. Warm, silky chicken broth
213. Jakey's constant "Thank you's"
214. Knowing that this Christian walk is collective
215. Where I have been
216. Where I am going
217. Even where I am now
218. Rings around the moon
219. Fathers who point them out
220. Unwavering neck rubs
221. Warm rice pillows
222. Clothes that I didn't buy that always match perfectly
223. The most comfortable bed in the world, because of the man in it
224. The less I have to do with things, the better they are

Good night. Having given thanks for today, I am ready for tomorrow.
My bags are packed with gratitude and expectation.

With great appreciation, for all Your gifts, Lord.

Carmen Sunshine

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Miracles

All things counted today are counted as blessings, Christmas Miracles:

167. 7:30 AM Wake-up call
168. "Look, Mommy, Look!"
169. Panettone French Toast
170. Dad in the kitchen
171. Smells of coffee and bacon
172. Dad truly excited about his gift
173. Our first Christmas in our own home
174. The floor littered with color and wood
175. Communal prayers
176. God dwells in our homes today all the world round
177. What started in a stable is at home in my heart today
178. Christmas naps
179. Christmas afternoon car rides
180. Cloudy lofty sunsets
181. Spontaneity
182. Fallafel
183. Turkish tea glasses filled with red wine
184. Advent candles all aglow
185. "Mommy, I love olives!"
186. Jacobs vivacious voice
187. Surgeon Samantha
188. Hurricane Dylan
189. Baby laughs and giggles
190. Empty trees
191. Thankful hearts
192. Winks
193. Dimmed lights
194. Unexpected gifts
195. The best wooden doll house ever
196. Frequent "Thank you's"
197. Childlike gusto and enjoyment surrounding our table
198. Old friends
199. Long haired, bearded, sentimental old men
200. The miracles of Christmas afresh

All is gift, given from your hand.

Carmen Sunshine

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Still Counting

128. Christmas cookie deocrating
129. Likeminded, same-path traveling friends
130. Nap time
131. Honey's home early
132. Opa!
133. Lobster tails
134. Australian beer
135. "I've got it covered."
136. Mindful children
137. Folded laundry
138. The Light of the World
139. Trundle bunk beds
140. Happy children
141. Bouncy babies
142. Library books
143. Clearance shelves
144. U-turns
145. Button mushrooms
146. Sprinkles
147. Laundry that is folded
148. More than our little house can hold
149. Night time crickets
150. Fresh air
151. Clouded moon
152. Happy Santa Claus boxes
153. Big Green Bows
154. New Rugs
155. Advent Wreaths
156. Flickering candles
157. True Love
158. All I could really ever want for Christmas
159. Christmas songs in the back seat
160. Christmas songs in the Outback
161. Christmas songs in the kitchen
162. Christmas songs in the shower
163. "Thank you, Mama"
164. Men and women who truly love the Lord
165. The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy
166. There is no limit to the Love of God

For all this, Lord, and more.

Thank You.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Even When It Hurts

This mothering gig is hard. It's constant. It's work. Still, I endeavor to count:

101. Floors swept clean of Playdoh
102. Same day doctor's appointments
103. Really sore throats
104. Frustration that drives you to fall at His feet
105. A seeking heart
106. Choir praise
107. Packages full of potential
108. Christmas deliveries
109. Clean sheets
110. Soup leftovers
111. Husbands home early
112. "Well, first you have to stop crying..."
113. Childlike forgiveness
114. Foutons that can hold 6 loads of clean, unfolded laundry (for days)
115. Trash cans
116. New Playdoh
117. Diaper rash cream
118. Warm showers and clean shaves
119. Peacock blue sweaters
120. Surprises waiting
121. "Christmas will never come!"
122. "You can't wrap a word." (but you can receive it, can't you?)
123. Cleaned off Refridgerator doors
124. Purging of toys, coupons, artwork, reciepts, shoes
125. He hears me when I call
126. He knows my name
127. Time enough to think of things to give thanks for...

'Til tomorrow...

Little One

Endeavor to Receive It All

My 1000+ Gifts:

As I began counting my gifts yesterday...

I was destracted by the doing's of a mother of four and an hour later caught myself not counting blessings, but cursings, difficulties, reasons to complain..... !!!


That has been the habit of my heart, not gratitude. Not thanksgiving or looking for the refinement and blessing. Yikes.

Lord, please forgive me. Please remove this spirit of complaint from my heart. How can I complain against You?

Help me Lord, as I endeavor to count blessings. Help me to take my complaints and concerns to the Throne of Grace. There I can leave them at Your feet in prayer and thanksgiving, trusting that You will work it for the good of me and my family.

This morning I spoke this to my son in a moment of correction and love, as I did, the Lord God Almighty spoke it also to me:

I CAN LOVE YOU (give, correct, admonish) ALL DAY LONG. BUT IT IS NOT GOING TO DO YOU ANY GOOD UNTIL YOU LOVE ME (listen, receive, obey) IN RETURN.

Isn't that the truth? Isn't that so profound on every relational level.

How many people have you loved who never received it?

Why did I speak this to my son? Because I want to be loved?? No. Because I want my son to be BLESSED! Because I love my son, dearly.

The Lord can bless and bless and bless. But until we turn around and give thanks, acknowledge, receive, the gifts are merely thrown at our backs. Aimed directly, specifically at us, but uncaught, untouched, unreceived. Dropped. We, I, have dropped them.

If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
Jhn 14:15 If you love me, you will obey what I command.

Isn't that where the blessings lay? He tells us where to walk, how to follow, how to live life in such a strong and secure way that nothing can shake us or seperate us from His love. And yet, if we are hearers only and not doers, the blessings lie unopened. We remain unadorned. Love is obedience. Jesus loved perfectly. He continues to love perfectly.

If I love you more, will you love me less?
2Cr 12:15 So I will very gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well. If I love you more, will you love me less?

Isn't it right to return the love and adoration of such a great and awesome God?

Who is like the Lord of Hosts? There is no God like our God.
1Sa 2:2 There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.

Today, I endeavor to receive ALL that He has for me. Be it obviously good or in trusting that it will work for good, HE CAN ONLY BE GOOD. All the time.

Thank You, Lord. I do love you. I want to open every good and perfect gift you have for me and receive it in faith, trusting that it will work for my eternal benefit and divine blessings. Not only for me, Lord, because when You bless, it is cumulative, for my family and loved ones, and those around me as well. I will count my every blessing. My greatest blessing is YOU. Over and over and over.

Father, I turn around in love and embrace You. There is nothing like knowing there is ONE who is steadfast, trustworthy and good at all times and in all places. You are worthy of praise. May You be the desire of my heart, no matter what. Lovingly, and in humility and honesty, may this truth be walked out in my life today.

I turn to endeavor to give You thanks and to receive all of Your gifts. May I see them as You are.
You alone are good. Amen.

Carmen Sunshine

Monday, December 21, 2009

Counting My Treasures

I have joined the Gratitude Community: 1000 Endless Gifts over at Ann Voskamp's "Holy Experience" website:

My 1000 Endless Gifts:
Psa 126:3
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.

After reading over on Ann's site that counting your blessings makes one more grateful and joyful, I endeavored to keep track of all that I have been given mentally. But, as my brain is like a sieve these days, I've decided that letting them go unwritten is pretty much like having a hole in my pocket. ;-)

Another friendly 'jog' today on Ann's website has encouraged me afresh. No longer will I allow my blessings, my evidences of the whisperings of a great and gracious God, to go unrecorded and uncounted. These are my treasures, my witness that the Lord has done great things for me, and in acknowledging Him and His gifts, I am filled with joy! Why would I want to let that go to waste?? I start collecting Him, and the evidences of my Treasure, Today. What are you doing with yours??

What do I want for Christmas? To know all that I really have.

I have a feeling this will be a meager beginning and I have not fully thought out how to continue this list, but I will delay no longer. My treasures are to be counted, sorted, adored and multiplied. The Giver is to be glorified with this life.

Lord, I give you THANKS and PRAISE as I sift through these few, 'just on the top of the pile and most evidently seen', and for as many more as I can list. Thank you for each of these precious "I love you's" that You have spoken into my life. May this account be as unending as your giving.
Lord, Thank You for:

1. Jason Ryan Hendrix
2. A husband who daily teaches me what LOVE really is
3. My salvation
4. The love of Christ and the body of believers with whom I now share His love
5. Sisters in Christ who are so much more than friends
6. The inspiration to Homeschool my children
7. The Lord 'closing doors', being saved from bad choices
8. New beginnings
9. Encouragement to press-on, from friends, online, and even from dreams
10. Dylan Ryan Hendrix who daily teaches me what LOVE really is
11. Joshua Duncan singing in his crib
12. Samantha's smiles
13. Jacob's persistence and constant smile
14. Pajamas
15. The world's most comfortable bed
16. A man who wakes up, every day, with a SMILE
17. Friends who teach you how to make your own soup and fresh bread
18. Sisters who love you
19. In-laws who love you
20. Imperfect parents (why else would we ever need God?)
21. Resilient children (how else would we ever survive?)
22. More than ample monetary provision and a heart to give
23. Kickball
24. Flashlight tag
25. Chimineas
26. Seeing Christmas through the eyes of motherhood
27. Flip-flops in December
28. Learning to learn from my mistakes
29. God's Word
30. 'The Shop'
31. Little voices
32. Little hands
33. Smiling eyes
34. My Very Hardworking Husband
35. The lessons of a small house
36. Laptop computers
37. My total and complete inability
38. Christmas/Advent Devotionals with authors spanning generations
39. A Father who wants to share Christmas
40. Candlelight Christmas Eve Services
41. Christmas lights
42. Babies
43. Really warm socks
44. Bible verses hidden in hearts through song
45. Forgiveness
46. Great Grace
47. Every day is a new start
48. Devoted Bible Students/Teachers
49. Free teachings online
50. Hot tea and raw honey
51. Everyday is Christmas when you know Jesus
52. Babies who stop nursing just to smile at you
53. Long desired tea cup won as a gift at a baby shower
54. Very sore throats that make you sit and see the Christmas lights on your tree
55. Motor boats, sail boats, uninhabited islands and coastal waters
56. Hardwood table and six chairs, hand-finished, all from my father
57. Handfinished diningroom chairs that remind me of my husband's love
58. Big Brown Eyes
59. Dogs on the beach
60. Affections shared with my husband
61. Christmas cards from Australia
62. Glitter on my chilren's faces
63. Nap time
64. "Hey, how are you?" phone calls
65. Christmastime dinner with Christian fellowship
66. Mistletoe
67. Copper fans
68. Blackberry Jam
69. Hot and Spicy Noodle Soup
70. Really beautiful dinnerware
71. 10th year engagement gifts and fully loaded fingers
72. Little Lisps
73. Little Lips
74. Eyebrows drawn on Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus
75. 100% fully capable crawling 7 month olds
76. Little girl giggles
77. Nursing tanktops
78. Christmas card collages
79. Animated story telling of 4 year old little girls
80. Direction, Discernment and Provision
81. Direction, Discernment and Provision in Christmas gifts
82. Our first Christmas at home as a family
83. Piles of Laundry
84. Dylan loading and unloading the dishwasher
85. Children
86. Sam covetously cleaning the toilets and taking out the trash
87. One really amazing van and a completely paid for sedan
88. Rainbows over realestate
89. The fellowship of believers
90. The prayers of a righteous woman uttered on my behalf
91. Beachside Hospitality
92. Those who go-before
93. Baby blankets and shoes galore
94. Children who don't yet know to go hunting for their Christmas presents
95. Really healthy and really happy babies
96. A pediatrician I can consider calling for myself
97. Pop-up Christmas cards
98. Home-printed Christmas cards
99. Friends who still keep in touch
100. PJ's at 3:30 PM on Monday

Lovingly and wishing I had more time to go on and on...

Carmen Sunshine

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What Have I to Give? Truly Forgiven

I left something out of my previous blog on Simon Peter going fishing, maybe even the most important and obvious. It is Christ's complete restoration of Peter. What enables us to go forth in the power of Christ, free to follow Him? Forgiveness.

Peter had blasphemously denied even knowing Jesus, three times in a row. Afterward, of course, Peter didn't know what to do with himself. Today and frequently, I have felt very much as Peter must have felt that day. "I have failed Him, how can I be of any use to Him? Now what?" The Lord has let me realize not only Peter's failure to some degrees, but also the marvelous reconciliation that Christ offered to Peter and continues to offer to every one of us.

Forgiveness, complete restoration through Christ Jesus, truly is the crux of the Gospel, the pivot point of Eternal Life, the hope of glory. Peter had to experience it personally before he was equipped to serve the Lord in caring for others. Mercifully, I too, have experienced it anew. You see, you can't give what you haven't got.

It wasn't any one thing, but an accumulation of many little things that led me to be in the boat, fishing, wondering, "Now what?" I don't spend the time I know I should in the Word of God. I put my fleshly desires above the call I know to be the call of the Holy Spirit. When I do spend even just a minute amount of time, He is faithful and gives me great revelation. But I am beginning to see that is because I need a very bright light to guide me. It takes a long time for me to really learn how to apply what the Lord reveals to me in my own life, longer than I'd like anyway. So, the "Now What?" really rang true for me because I often can see the spiritual 'why' long before the physical 'how'.

Being on the road for eleven days brought the culmination of a drifting that had begun over a year ago, perhaps even longer. Having just come back from a long holiday trip to see all of our family, it was hard to get back into the "swing" of things. Hard for me to again embrace this Christian Homeschooling, Stay at Home Mom, life and calling the Lord has for me. Hard for me to not think, "Maybe they are all right, maybe I am crazy. Maybe I am wasting my life and pursuing foolishness." But the Lord's wisdom is foolishness to the world. I am just now, five days after returning home, getting things straight again in my head and heart. What a cruel place the world can be.

While on vacation, like Peter, I flubbed it. Repeatedly. But as I returned to His Word, there was Jesus, on the beach, preparing a meal and a fire for Peter, for me. Often, the Lord does just that. He faithfully and faultlessly seeks me out and lovingly calls for me to come back to shore. To be warmed and refreshed and restored from my foolishness because I have not sought Him directly.

God gives great Grace. He LAVISHES His LOVE upon us. This is such an awesome truth that I often have a hard time receiving all of it. Can He really love me as He says He does? Does He really forgive me when He alone knows what a wretch I am? Can I really confess to Him all that He already knows and receive love and correction for my benefit and His great glory?


The answer is Yes. No one is like God. The Lord Almighty. The Creator of Heaven and Earth. Our Salvation. Our Righteousness. Our Healer. Our Protector. Our very great Reward.

I have learned today, that the more I confess of my doubts and faults and fears, the more love, assurance, faithfulness, and forgiveness I receive from such a loving and all knowing Lord.

All I have to do is swim back to shore.

Jhn 21:10 Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish which you have just caught."

Jhn 21:11 Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land, full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not broken.

Jhn 21:12 Jesus said to them, "Come [and] eat breakfast." Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him, "Who are You?"--knowing that it was the Lord.

Jhn 21:13 Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish.

Jhn 21:14 This [is] now the third time Jesus showed Himself to His disciples after He was raised from the dead.

Jhn 21:15 So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, [son] of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Feed My lambs."

Jhn 21:16 He said to him again a second time, "Simon, [son] of Jonah, do you love Me?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Tend My sheep."

Jhn 21:17 He said to him the third time, "Simon, [son] of Jonah, do you love Me?" Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Feed My sheep.

Jesus gave Peter a three-time affirmation to prepare him to continue in Christ's purpose for him.

Am I the mother I want to be? No.
Am I short tempered, quick tongued, full of impatience? Yes.
Do I represent the Lord at all times and in all places as I wish I would? No.
Do I even obey Him even when I know I should? No.
Am I perfect? No.
I too, am a 'son of Jonah', one who has run in the wrong direction.

But in His Grace, I am being perfected. He, in His love and redemption wants to use you, and me. That we may be presented to Him as a spotless bride for His Son, our Redeemer and Deliverer, who gave His life to be with us.

I'm learning that God already knows it all, like Peter says, "Lord, you know everything." I am learning to 'get over' myself, my inabilities and insecurities, my failings and faults. But there is no getting over Jesus. He is perfect. The spotless Lamb of God. I will dwell on Him. He who paid the ransom for me is worthy of my praise. But more importantly, He is worthy of my whole heart, recklessly abandoned in honesty and desperately in need of Him, the Lover of my Soul. He rights all things, even me.

We are beginning our Christmas celebration in our home. In studying the life of Christ, never before have I received so much of all that God has to offer in His Son. Never before have I just sat at His feet and desired Him more than anything else. When some bauble comes to mind, as it frequently does, I recall that it is His presence, His forgiveness, His approval and touch that I desire more than anything else that "Christmas" has to offer. His love is central to my well-being. Nothing more, nothing less. I simply have to receive Him.

After 34 Christmases, I have come to see that it is easy to give gifts. Not so with receiving. It is much more humbling to receive an extravagantly expensive and perfect gift, or even one you aren't so crazy about, for that matter. Not so with Christ. I am speaking of a gift so great that you could never earn, deserve, repay or even merit having it bestowed upon you. It is humbling beyond measure, especially when it is given with such love, compassion, and more importantly complete acceptance and great affection. This is the gift that God has for you, and for me.

I want to be more like Jesus.

Thankfully, He's already on the shore, calling to me, a fallen-away fisher-woman, and more than that, He is calling me His Child. I too, may just dive out of the boat.

Am I perfect? No. But I am ever so able and grateful to say that, you know what? He is.

I am just going to return to that fact over and over in this lifetime. Jesus Christ is perfect, always good and always true. He is the One True Living God and His grace is sufficient for me. May it be my anthem, my foundation, my bedrock. I just might wear it like an engagement ring, a promise of something more to come and a token of great love and affection. In Christ, I am truly forgiven. Now that is the perfect Christmas present. I've already got it all. And now I have it, to give.

Lord, thank You for such great grace and compassion. For pursuing me as a loving Father and Shepherd. You truly do care for me, more than I can even behold. Jesus, you are full of grace and truth. You provide for me, take care of me, desire to spend time with me and give such lavish gifts. Truly, I should keep an account, and be overwhelmed by your generosity.

Be glorified, Lord. Take my failings and may they speak of your Amazing Grace. I am here, like Peter, to know more of You and what You have for me, desperately desiring reconciliation with You and receiving it. Embracing being truly forgiven, I will follow. Lead me, Lord. May I feed Your lambs with Your provision and forgiveness.

Simply in response to the Love of Christ,

Carmen Sunshine

Col 1:27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Now What? The New You is with Me

It had all changed. He thought he understood, and now it was clear that he didn't.

Peter had been a fisherman until he dropped his nets to follow the Messiah. Now the Messiah had been killed and risen from the dead. Alive. And Peter had denied Him. What was this daily life supposed look like now? He left one life for another and even the second life now was altered. Realistically speaking, "Now what?"

He did only what he knew to do. He went to fish, and some of the others went with him.

They fished all night, in their strength and ability, waiting, catching nothing. Fruitless.

Then, someone on the beach asked if they had any food. Picture the disciples of Christ, in a fishing boat, knowing not what to do with themselves. They had gone back to their old stand-by, what they knew before Christ. But knowing Jesus changes everything.

The man on the beach told them to cast on the other side of their boat and they hauled in such a catch that it was amazing that the nets did not break. With this, Jesus was recognized, and Peter, in his eagerness to be near Christ, jumped out of the boat and swam to shore. He left the boat and the catch behind. Peter knew fishing wasn't it.

Jesus gave Peter reconciliation and a 'new job'. He asked Peter three times, "Do you love me?" Peter was grieved in the repeated questioning, but Jesus wanted him to really hear it. "Feed my sheep. Tend my lambs. Feed my sheep." Why? The 'why' came before the 'what'. "Because you (Peter) love Me (Jesus). And I know that you love Me." Jesus told Peter what to do with his life, and why. Gently. Gracefully. Thrice.

John, also hungry for more of Jesus, followed behind and he too, heard. Peter, with his new purpose, wanted to know what John was to do. Jesus said, "Don't worry about how another is called to follow me or what their specific purpose is or how they are to complete it. You know what I have called you to do. You follow Me."

You see, once we have walked with Christ, believing Him, we have left it all behind. The world, what we used to know and be, is no longer who we are. We have a new purpose, a New Life. Seeing Christ alive and among us, witnessing His miracles in the lives of others and in our own lives, having personal experience with Him, is life changing, mind altering, reality shifting. Jesus is the Son of God, the One True Living God. In Him we are made new. You can't go back. What your life was before Christ can't begin to compare. Jesus has bigger, more important, Kingdom growing work for us to do. He has people for us to love and care for and we can only do it in His love and grace. Without Jesus, what was useful and fruitful in our own strength, is no longer.

Only moving forward in Christ are we alive. Allow Him to redefine your reality, what you know and who you are. Thankfully, there's no turning back. We have new purpose, new life, new meaning, new family, new friends. We are no longer, as Christ is made in us. We must decrease and He must increase. Praise God. And thankfully, none of us are or will be exactly the same.

I don't want to be who I was before. Like Peter, I don't even really want to stay who I am today. I am thankfully plodding along, one foot in front of the other sometimes, but moving forward and growing none the less. How many of us can say that we have the Resurrection Power of Christ to become what we truly desire to be? I can. But only because of the transforming power of the God-Man and His redeeming work.

Jhn 21:4
But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.

Jhn 21:5 Then Jesus said to them, "Children, have you any food?" They answered Him, "No."

Jhn 21:6 And He said to them, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find [some]." So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish.

Jhn 21:7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on [his] outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea.

Jhn 21:8 But the other disciples came in the little boat (for they were not far from land, but about two hundred cubits), dragging the net with fish.

Jhn 21:9 Then, as soon as they had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread.

Are you dripping, on the beach in the morning glow, looking at your risen Savior and hearing your new call? Or were you the one to recognize Him right away and stay to labor and bring in the catch?

Either way, shiver and warm yourself in the warmth of His presence and provision, and hear. He knows you love Him. He will make it happen and provide for you every need. It is for Him to lead and you only to follow. He has more for you and me.

Thank You, Jesus. I do love You. And I know that You know I do. Ask me again, Lord. Remind me 'why' and then tell me 'what'. And please give me grace to love you more.

For Him, In Him, and to Him, to Jesus be all glory and honor and power.

Love You, Lord.

Carmen Sunshine