This mothering gig is hard. It's constant. It's work. Still, I endeavor to count:
101. Floors swept clean of Playdoh
102. Same day doctor's appointments
103. Really sore throats
104. Frustration that drives you to fall at His feet
105. A seeking heart
106. Choir praise
107. Packages full of potential
108. Christmas deliveries
109. Clean sheets
110. Soup leftovers
111. Husbands home early
112. "Well, first you have to stop crying..."
113. Childlike forgiveness
114. Foutons that can hold 6 loads of clean, unfolded laundry (for days)
115. Trash cans
116. New Playdoh
117. Diaper rash cream
118. Warm showers and clean shaves
119. Peacock blue sweaters
120. Surprises waiting
121. "Christmas will never come!"
122. "You can't wrap a word." (but you can receive it, can't you?)
123. Cleaned off Refridgerator doors
124. Purging of toys, coupons, artwork, reciepts, shoes
125. He hears me when I call
126. He knows my name
127. Time enough to think of things to give thanks for...
'Til tomorrow...
Little One