Today, I receive that the Lord wants to bless me and has good things in store for me. Today I embrace that no one loves me like God. He can be trusted and I will rely on that not only for the big decisions, but for the little ones as well. I endeavor to embark on vacation with expectation for delight, ready to receive, looking for His hand. And all along the way, I will give thanks. Tonight I am packed, for vacation, with anticipation. I expect to see Jesus along the way.
201. Very patient husbands
202. Very giving fathers
203. Very persistent daughters
204. Very active sons
205. More clothes than I can wash, sort, fold or pack
206. Too many choices
207. Men who want to teach me
208. A husband who wants to share his interests with me
209. The freedom to own a firearm in our nation
210. Competent and responsible citizens
211. Last minute baby sitters
212. Warm, silky chicken broth
213. Jakey's constant "Thank you's"
214. Knowing that this Christian walk is collective
215. Where I have been
216. Where I am going
217. Even where I am now
218. Rings around the moon
219. Fathers who point them out
220. Unwavering neck rubs
221. Warm rice pillows
222. Clothes that I didn't buy that always match perfectly
223. The most comfortable bed in the world, because of the man in it
224. The less I have to do with things, the better they are
Good night. Having given thanks for today, I am ready for tomorrow.
My bags are packed with gratitude and expectation.
With great appreciation, for all Your gifts, Lord.
Carmen Sunshine