Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Beauty for Ashes

I've had to make some hard choices lately. Choices that impact my daily life and my heart tremendously. Choices that change how I spend my time, my money, how I direct my thoughts, my cares, my freedom, what I worry for and work for. What I will rely on. It has been a long time in coming, but as the recent events of my life began to take place, I found myself prepared for them by the Lord.

I have decided, to follow Jesus. I am accepting the Lord's trade, beauty for ashes, ashes for beauty. No longer do I hold onto my filthy rags of Self. I hold only on to Him and His promises.

Isa 61:3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.

I will give Him my ashes, He will give me His beauty, that He may be glorified. For He is worthy of glory.

Beauty He alone can give. Beauty He alone could purchase with His life.

His for mine.

Beauty for ashes.

He knows my name. He knows my every thought.
He sees each tear that falls, and hears me when I call.

This past weekend I faced an old enemy. Someone who would still wish me ill, if they could.

But I have begun to trust the Lord in this and to hear Him when He calls.

How can you get over betrayal? How can you overlook wanton misuse of power? Open hatred? How can you forgive hurt dispensed in daily purposeful doses? How can you decide not to hold that grudge, that needing place in your heart that longed for love and got only disdain and mockery?

Because I now know God. The Creator. My Creator. The One who WAS and IS and IS TO COME.

He knows my name. He knew every step, every thought of every day planned, chosen for me. Yes, He allowed it. He is their creator, too. But who He is, is not who they are. Nor could He ever be like anyone who ever chose to do evil to those who trusted them. Judas comes to mind. Betrayal. Even in the Lord's betrayal, He became triumphant. He can make it all aright.

He is My Healer. My Redeemer. Lover of My Soul. My Brother. My Lord. My Savior. My Righteousness. My Provider. The One who Sees Me. My Salvation. My Rock. My God. His Word tells me all of this. Both directly and by example through His relationship with His people. Israel - those who struggle with God. Those who I thankfully find myself to be among.

I have finally come to where I see that I must love as He has loved me.

Why? Why, you wonder? I wondered, too.

Because eternity is at stake. Perfect peace, or constant unquenchable torment.

Each soul has their own perfect free will. Their choice. Their decision. I have made mine. I have chosen and in my choice, because of who God is and what He has promised me, I AM FREE. By His grace, His love, His mercy for me, I am in true liberty. Liberty, free to live as I truly chose. To come and go with Him, to lead or follow Him, to talk or listen to Him, I am able. Now, each choice has it's consequences, still. This is a material world. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is still true. But whether or not I am capable to listen and obey, in making this choice, I am free. Does this mean I will never fail, never falter, never sin again? Certainly not. But it does mean that in my life, as I ask, seek, knock, I will find Him - more of Him in me.

Before I was sealed with the Holy Spirit, I was bound to my bad habits, my self-condemning thoughts, my inadequate self-control. No longer. I can now bear the Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. I am able. Capable. I have the resurrection power of God himself sitting at the mercy-seat of my heart. He is enthroned. Cherished, held, treasured. This is eternal treasure we are talking about.

As I grasp how great a price was paid for my freedom. How much scorn He bore to love me, I am humbled to realize that accepting this gift then gives it to me to give. To give. To forgive. To love those who have not loved me.

Why? Why? I asked myself this question again today. I have struggled with it for weeks all in preparation for the reunion with my past. (Have I made it clear that on my own, I am not capable of this?)

This gift of eternal life that I now possess, to be in the presence of God, forever - I was in desperate need of this. Helpless, needy, poor and sick. Wounded, by others and my own hand. I needed Christ. I was dead without Him. I was ashes. I used to be overwhelmed with my ability, tendency, capacity, to sin - to consistently fall short. Being overwhelmed by it and incapacitated by it, is pride really. The thought that I should be able to do it myself is nothing but pride.

But then came humility in the flesh. Truth in a robe. Love with hands and feet. God in our carnal flesh. Tempted, tried and proven true. Jesus whose names means 'God is Salvation'.

I have been given a Word from the Lord.

That through one man, sin entered the world and through one man we are freed from it. I used to think I had no choice, no hope - it was my flesh and how could I ever escape from that? I'll tell you how. If you believe that the power of your flesh (Adam) is great, and we all know the power of our physical desires, wait till you know the power of the Spirit once you are in Christ.

Rom 5:17 The sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over us, but all who receive God's wonderful, gracious gift of righteousness will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ.

In Christ, believing Him, following His commandments, I am free. Gloriously free. Not only after I die, but now, on this earth, typing at this computer. Free to love and free to give. I don't have to give those who have wronged me my love, my forgiveness. I can't. I have nothing to give. I am lacking, I would never have enough and it would all be self-seeking if I were to do it in my own strength. I don't even have enough strength. (Thank the Lord!) I have to rely on Him. I can rely on Him. And the more I do, I want to rely on Him.

Why? Because as I study the Word, as I reluctantly trust Him and waffle through my daily trials, I find Him faithful even when I am not. He is trustworthy. He is faithful to me. He has answered prayer after prayer and lifted me up time and time again. He delivered each of my children, and gives me the heart to nurture them daily.

These are the battlefields, the proving grounds. This is where you decide, where you fight the good fight. Where you live out the truth before men. The same men who killed the truth in the flesh. Those who would seek to do the same to you. Why?

Because this world is ashes. It will not last. It is doomed to burn. Literally, it will all be ashes. What is to come is what is worthwhile, worth your heart and your affection. Everlasting, eternal beauty. Eternal joy. Eternal peace and comfort and elation. In the presence of the Living God, casting crowns as His feet. Considered His bride, the one He gave His life for. It is more than we can imagine. I've typed all of this and I only have a grain of it! How great is our God!

Isa 64:4 For since the world began, no ear has heard, and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!

1Cr 2:9 That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him."

Today I choose to love my enemy because God loves me. Because I can trust Him. Because if I don't, how will they ever know so much hangs in the balance? How will they know what God says is true? What good will my freedom do if I don't use it to reveal His Liberty to others? They know what they have done to me. Their own consciences condemn them. Does it hurt me? Have I cried and struggled and fretted? Yes. I have. All in the valley, on the way to standing on this mountain of victory, all along the way toward making this choice.

First He chose. (He chose me.) Now I chose. (I chose Him.)

Jam 1:18 In his goodness he chose to make us his own children by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his choice possession.
Jam 1:19 My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.
Jam 1:20 Your anger can never make things right in God's sight.
Jam 1:21 So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the message God has planted in your hearts, for it is strong enough to save your souls.
Jam 1:22 And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. If you don't obey, you are only fooling yourself.
Jam 1:23 For if you just listen and don't obey, it is like looking at your face in a mirror but doing nothing to improve your appearance.
Jam 1:24 You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like.
Jam 1:25 But if you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law-the law that sets you free-and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.
Jam 1:26 If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are just fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.
Jam 1:27 Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us.

It's the people in your life that matter. Chose to accept lasting vibrancy and then live your life to bless others. Be His hands and feet. You can be the hands and feet of God to someone else who is hurting. Now that is a gift.

1Th 5:15 See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to everyone else.
1Th 5:16 Always be joyful.
1Th 5:17 Keep on praying.
1Th 5:18 No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
1Th 5:19 Do not stifle the Holy Spirit.
1Th 5:20 Do not scoff at prophecies,
1Th 5:21 but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good.
1Th 5:22 Keep away from every kind of evil.
1Th 5:23 Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until that day when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.
1Th 5:24 God, who calls you, is faithful; he will do this.

I remember how the Lord mercifully handled those who sought Him, acknowledged Him, loved Him. I also remember how He responded to those who despised Him. He spoke the truth to them openly and purposefully. My enemy is not a person, but the deception that holds their heart captive.

Eph 6:12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.

I do not have to go in affection (which is not love) to an unrepentant heart, but I do need to forgive (which is love) and be ready to bless as He graciously directs me. He will. He knows my heart and what my greatest need is. It is Jesus. No longer do I see any one person as my enemy, but I acknowledge that there is a greater battle raging on. I am free to courageously do spiritual battle because I am no longer bound by my unforgiveness. It is in God's Almighty hands. He will make it right. Justice delayed is not justice denied. It is actually justice magnified.

He will do all of this. I can rest in knowing that the battle is the Lord's and the victory is mine.

Miraculously, He is doing all this in my life. To Him I hand over my wounds, my ashes, my cries for mercy and justice for me and my loved ones, along with all of my earthly efforts. And in exchange, I receive His presence, trusting that He will make it all beautiful. Truly, abundantly, wonderfully, unspeakably beautiful. For Your glory, in Your time, Lord.

Thank You, Father, Creator, Friend.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Who's Got the Remote?

Today's lessons come from Sam and a couple of repeated lessons learned with the VCR.

The other day, Sam was sitting in front of the VCR waiting for me to get a tape rolling. While she was waiting she was looking at all the buttons on the surrounding digital devices. As I pressed the play button on the remote to start the tape, she simultaneously pressed on a magnet attached to the case of the video cabinet, one that helps hold the doors closed. When the tape started rolling, and she had pressed on the magnet, she turned around to me and exclaimed, "Mommy, I DID IT! Look, I pressed this button right here. Wow! I did it." She was so amazed and in wonder of her self. I couldn't help but laugh. It's so true. True of all of us. How amazed we are at the little things we think we can do, or did. When all along it's the Lord holding the remote. How blessed we are that He even includes us in the activities of things, that we are even invited to share the wonder of seeing things work. And how quick we are to forget to recognize that the One who is really making all things work, is Jesus. Standing behind us while we are crouched down on the floor, He is smiling at our little hearts and our little minds. Thank You Father, that you have let us see who is really holding the remote, and that You work things together for our admonishment and edification. Help us to remember who's got the remote! :-)

Then, today, with that lesson from a few days past, this lesson was added.

Sam was standing in front of the doors of the video cabinet while I was rewinding a video. As the video was rewinding, it seemed like nothing was happening. I wasn't pressing any buttons, or taking any visual action. But I was working on rewinding the tape. I was waiting for it to finish so that I could start the tape. Sam, on the other hand, deciding that nothing was happening and that there wasn't anything going on, began to close the cabinet doors. "Sam", I gently said, "Don't close the cabinet doors, because then Mommy can't use the remote to start the tape when it's ready." How quick we are to think that because we can't see anything, that nothing in happening! :-) Oh Lord, help us to remember that even when it seems like nothing is going on, to faithfully keep the doors of faith and prayer open so that when You are ready, our hearts and lives are open for You to work. Help us to remember who is holding the remote and to wait on You! And also, Lord, when You tell us it's time to close the doors, then help us to know that You have better things for us. Help us to follow hard after You and all of Your goodness and grace and not get caught up in what we think we understand.

Pro 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

Lord, we lift our eyes and hearts to heaven and declare Your Righteousness and Goodness.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Reaching for The Light

Here is a poem that my father wrote. It reminded me of my own searching for truth, which began with acknowledging the beauty of God's creation. I thought it was worthy of sharing - and remembering. Today I am a student of my dad. Enjoy! :-)

reaching for the light

what i feel is right

the best way to be

is to follow the trees

some lay in the shadows

the way the wind blows

looking for love

drawn from above

wonder what it's like

to be in the light

i pay them no mind

just twist and twine

up from my roots

like a good pair of boots

helping me toward

that lofty view

seen only by few

lets me look inside

where the light also shines

that's where i start

from my own heart

I love you, Dad.
With all my heart,

Take It To the Curb

We've been studying the book of James, chapters 4 and 5 this week. Accordingly, the lessons in my life have dealt directly with being worldly; preferring the things of the world rather than waiting on God, and looking to things to secure my heart in trials instead of embracing the test in perseverance - life applications of all the things we are learning about in James. In my daily dealings with these lessons and their personal application to how I live, none of these worldly 'things' satisfied or gratified, of course. In fact, I was left feeling much emptier that before. (I have much to say yet about being worldly, as I perfected the practice again this weekend. But I will write more about that later. This is more pressing.) Now that I've been cleansed of my most recently revealed faults and redirected by His Word, thankfully, I am ready to encourage you about, well, being ready! So, what do we do when the Lord graciously shows you your weeds and brambles?

Well, what do you do the night before trash day? You go around your home collecting all that is in each waste basket to toss it into the big street can for the pick-up scheduled in the morning. You prepare. You do it the night before, while you have time, so your trash will be ready and your can will be found at the curb when the trash men come around. You also do it so you can rest, knowing it's been done. In preparation, you go around gathering all that has been tossed out or laid aside during your daily comings and goings. All that you don't want to keep, all that you want to be without, all that has no use. These are the things, like our sins, our wickedness, or worldliness and our pride that we want to have taken away. These are the thorns that choke out the Word and make it fruitless. These are the things that we need to toss out and take it to the curb as soon as it is revealed to us. Really that is our part in this growing and living. Recognize that which is in us that needs to be discarded when the Lord reveals it to you and gladly throw it out! Let it go, see it for what it isn't and remove it. Put it in the bag, put the bag in the can and take it to the street ahead of time.

Isa 30:22 Then you will destroy all your silver idols and gold images. You will throw them out like filthy rags. "Ugh!" you will say to them. "Begone!"

Isa 64:6 We are all infected and impure with sin. When we proudly display our righteous deeds, we find they are but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall. And our sins, like the wind, sweep us away.

Get rid of it while the Godly sorrow of the sin is still fresh. Be cleansed and freed. Find rest. Because what happens if we miss the trash truck? Or what do we do when we forgot the night before and now hear the truck barreling down the street toward our house? We frantically try to get the can to the road before they come by! We don't want all that garbage sitting in the can, rotting, until the next collection day, even if it's only 3 days away! Quick! We forgot the trash!

Rev 22:7 "Look, I am coming soon! Blessed are those who obey the prophecy written in this scroll."

Luk 12:35

“Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning,

Luk 12:36

like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him.

Luk 12:37

It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. I tell you the truth, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them.

This is just a picture of what it will be like when Jesus comes again. We must prepare, just like we do each week with our trash. It is a simple example, something we all do, every week. Something that needs to be done as much spiritually as it does physically, except, we won't have time to collect all the spiritual garbage that has been revealed to us when He has come to collect us. All those filthy things that we choose to live among, as if we have plenty of time to gather it and discard it, will still be lying around not ready to be taken away. There won't be time to get it all in the can and the can to the street. He is here! Be ready. Be prepared. If the Lord's Word reveals some thing in your heart that is not beneficial, or hinders your race, take it to the curb. Repent of it, ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse you of it and throw it away.

1Jo 1:9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.

Have it out of your house, out of your heart. Move onto the next day's preparation knowing that all that you collected today has been removed, and you are cleansed if you have asked Him to cleanse you. Thank You Lord!

Jam 4:10 When you bow down before the Lord and admit your dependence on him, he will lift you up and give you honor.

Thank you, Lord. All that you have shown me, all that I need to recognize as garbage and useless, even defiling, I gladly throw it away and ask You to take it away that I might be ready when you come again. On to the next thing Lord. May I remember this lesson well. May I be ready when you come again, this time to collect me.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Once in a Lifetime

"Quick! Get the camera! This is a once in a lifetime moment! You've got to get that picture!"

My Dad, here for the weekend, was abuzz today with all that we did. Everything that the children did was priceless, worthy of a photograph. To me, his words sounded almost silly. These were everyday moments, moments I normally sit back and causally watch or not watch at all, truly. But my heart whispered, "He's right". How many times will you get to do just what you are doing today in these exact same circumstances? With these exact same people? Never. Life is a once in a lifetime experience. Every second is unique and individual.

His words echo in my heart tonight. "That's never going to happen again!", he'd say. How many times have I wished I could recreate something we did? Just to get a photo of it or to relive that moment again. One first date, one first kiss, one wedding, one first birth, one second birth, on and on. One. Where you are right this second, it's the only time you'll get to spend it. It makes cherishing my children more important. It also makes taking each opportunity to share the love of Christ with someone even more important. How many more chances will you get to have this conversation with this person in this situation? This is it. Now. Everything is precise. How then can we go about seizing the day? Of course, the Lord will lovingly guide us!

1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 19:
1Th 5:16
Rejoice always,
1Th 5:17
pray without ceasing,
1Th 5:18
in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1Th 5:19
Do not quench the Spirit.

This is how we should live our lives, moment by moment. Being thankful, filled with the spirit, joyful, these things matter because this moment is - gone. Live in the Spirit. Ask God to come into you and fill you with His Holy Spirit, to give you a song to sing and words to speak. And if you don't feel like it, ask Him anyway, because I have learned, that's when I really need it! :-)

The Lord's creation is continual - since the first day He made it. He has promised it will continue until He comes again. Gen 8:22 He is from everlasting and never slumbers. His words are true. Our earthly lives need to be seen with the perspective of finality. The earth won't last forever. Your body won't last forever. Your money won't last forever. Look around you. You are surrounded by temporal and eternal things - only the people in your life are eternal. They are going to last for the rest of eternity, they are not temporary. How you spend your time together matters. 1Cr 13:8 The words you speak, your countenance, your heart, they all impress upon this moment and the people you share it with - at the gas station, at the grocery store, while your children swim in the kiddie pool. The time that we get to share with them is brief. With some it's only an instant. Even with our children, the time is short. We are to bring them up in the admonition of the Lord, to teach them how to make wise choices and to obey Him. The best way for us to do that, is to do it ourselves. Even though they will always be my children, I've got 16 more years, tops! Suddenly that doesn't sound very long at all. (I've got some serious work to do!) Then, the seeds that I have planted in their hearts during our short time together will grow to prove what I have planted.

I can't tell you how many mothers of adult children have sincerely told me, "Cherish this time, it goes by so quickly. It seems like it's going to last forever, but then before you know it, it's over. And then you wonder, where did it go?" Each time they confide this to me, I know they are right. I know they are. It's true. Lord, help me to cherish every moment. Help me to seize each opportunity. To see them as a bubble, or a butterfly or a breeze - uniquely beautiful, fragile and fleeting. Things to be savored while they can, moment by moment. To live my life as a wide-eyed child, rapt with learning and wonder, rather than a dulled and bored adult. I am a child of the living God. 1Jo 5:1 I want to see the world around me with the wonder of a child! My Dad's got a favorite country song by Trace Adkins called, "You're Gonna Miss This". It's a hard song to listen to without crying because it's so true. He sings about cherishing each stage of life, because that's just what it is, a fleeting set of circumstances on their way toward the next stage. That we live our lives to get through them, not to embrace them. We live to survive this time, instead of savoring it, as if we have unlimited time. As if how we spend our life here on earth doesn't matter.

We do not have unlimited time on this earth. We each are like the mist that quickly vanishes. Like the morning grass that fades by evening. So, my heart bears these thoughts and recalls the words of Moses speaking the very Word of God, calling us to wisdom, too.

Psa 90:12

Teach us to number our days aright,

that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Grant me wisdom. Lord, may I make the most of these precious moments You have given me, no matter where I am. If I fail to savor them or thank You for them, then give me the grace to learn from them. May my presence, with Jesus in my heart, not be wasted. Amen.

Thank You, Father God, for all of the little "Once in a Lifetime Moments" we shared today. May I see them for the gifts that they truly are.

In Love,


Friday, May 9, 2008

Humility, Ears to Hear and Eyes to See

I write these posts as a reminder for myself, mostly. His Word does not return void.

Lord, today You revealed to me, through opportunities of individual time with each of my children, how little time I actually spend with each of them, alone each day. You allowed me to see how little I truly listen to all that comes out of their mouths, and hearts. How preoccupied I am! I struggle for a clean house, for mannerly children, no hitting, no biting, no screaming. No fighting. I struggle to accomplish things I think are important, or rather, that I just want to do, like make the bed, vacuum the floor, wash the car. But these are things I am putting over the learning and developing of loving relationships with my children. I don't really know how that's done. It's not something that was taught to me as a child, or even a young adult. So, I have always just said, well I don't have that in me. But not any more. I can't say that anymore, can I? I have Jesus in me, and He knows how to love and obey, how to sit still and play and not worry about next week's menu or whether or not the laundry is folded. I don't spend time with my kids. It's true. I don't do things where I just sit and pay attention to them. At least, I haven't so far. However, even though I know it truly isn't in me. I can do it. I rebel and with hold myself at the thought. Paying attention has always been a price I never wanted to pay. But, now, I do. I do want to pay attention to my children. I do want to know what they like, what they look like and sound like and think like. I do want to build those bridges during play time - laughing and loving. I just haven't yet. Lord, I know You want this for me and for my sweet children. You can enable me to do just that. And what a joy it would be to do!! And yet, I shudder when the time comes. Father, change my faltering heart! I am crying out to God. Crying, mourning.

Help me Father, to have ears to hear Your still small voice and to listen to those little small voices that surround me each day. 1Ki 19:12 Remove from my heart and my mind any strongholds I have allowed the enemy to build within my thought life. Keep me still. Help me to be still and know that you are God and that the only thing you truly ask of me is to love my husband and the sweet children you have put in my care. Psa 46:10 May I be a good and faithful servant with what you have given me. And when it is so painfully obvious that I have fallen short and not grown in areas that You have shown to be immature, help me to turn and call on You. For in my weakness, You are strong and able to save. 2Cr 12:10

Lord, I repent of preoccupation and distraction. Cleanse me of all unrighteousness, for You are able and faithful. I want to honor You and grow. And I have so much more to grow.

Help me to do the things I have never done before, because You are calling me to do them. And these things are not burdensome, but blessed. Daily change me to Your image, plant me deep, so I can grow.

Growing. That little seed can't stay just like it always was if it wants to grow, can it? It has to outgrow it's little shell and burst forth with something that looks nothing like it's original form. Then, it reaches upward, upward through the dark, moist soil reaching for the sun, growing in its warmth. Its chemical makeup changes. It is a new creation. As am I. 2Cr 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! Praise God!

Lord, I lay aside all filthiness, (all my simple understanding and bad habits) and all that remains of wickedness (my pride) and humbly receive Your word implanted into my heart, which is able to save my soul. Jam 1:21 Enable me to obey you and give me courage to trust You more so that I am not just a forgetful hearer, fooling myself. Jam 1:22 Give me an undivided heart to do those things which I think I can not. To know Your grace covers me and that only in Your strength can I do anything, is truly rest. Hbr 4:3

I count it all joy when You allow me to see myself clearly in the mirror of Your Word. Jam 1:23 You are faithful and will continue this Work until I am made in the image of Christ. Thank God!! :-)

1Th 5:23-24
Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until that day when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God, who calls you, is faithful; he will do this.

Thank You, Lord. Forgive me Father. Grow me.

In truth,


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Why Dogs and Pots? And Walks...

OK, I've been asked by my dear friend Kelly why I named one of my posts Big Red Dogs and Old Orange Pots. Which really tickles me because she's the reason I named it that. You see, Kelly is my sister, not an genetic sister, but a spiritual sister. A sister in Christ, one of the eternal kind, you could say.

Let me tell you just a little bit about Kelly.

Kelly, while I was in my illness and distress, brought over homemake chicken soup in a large, old orange pot along with a batch of freshly made breakfast muffins. Also included in her delivery were 3 DVD's from the local library, one of which was "Clifford, the Big Red Dog". In addition, she went to the grocery store for me and brought back noodles for the soup, tea, fresh fruit and OJ. Some of which I'm sure she didn't make me pay for, though I did write her a check... So, my lessons on "getting on the right path when you realize you made a mistake", and that "deception is distraction", both came from watching Clifford with spiritual eyes. (Funny, huh?) The old orange pot on the stove reminded me of God's provision when I was tempted to feel sorry for myself. I simply remembered the hands that delivered the pot and for whom she lives her life. I knew why that pot was on my stove. Because the Lord of the Universe loves me. I have no reason to complain. I am loved, and being cared for ever so well, by my heavenly Father and those who choose to be His hands. So, there's the explanation of the title for my sick days entry. I hope now it makes a little more sense. Thanks Kelly. Thank You, Lord. :-)

A final word:

To those of you who know me, and those of you who don't yet, please understand that I myself am learning, taking very baby steps, to walk out all this talk posted on this blog. I seem to have eyes to see the spiritual truths in almost everything around me when I listen for God's promptings. When I try to come up with something on my own - I am blank. Nothing. So, I am listening and praying, trying to figure out how best to use this gift to God's glory. Hopefully typing it out and having others read it will give me greater accountability and motivation to strive towards living a holy life. I see so much, may I be a reflection of what is revealed to me.

Therefore, my hope is to:

Ephesians 4:1 - As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

Help me live a life worthy of the calling that I have received, Father. Thank you for teaching me and for giving me an inspiration, an outlet, for sharing this gift. All glory and honor are Yours.

In Christ,

Love & Obedience

I am physically affectionate. It's one of my favorite forms of expressing and receiving love. It's probably the one I speak most loudly to my children. However, I am learning that attention is one of mine also, probably my most desired, as it is also for my children.

We have been working on obedience. Doing what Momma says, "right away, all the way, in a happy way" (Ginger Plowman). Today, Dylan was kissing and hugging me. Showing me that he loves me. He did things that he thought would be helpful, yet disregarded the things I asked him to do. Even when I asked him repeatedly. Over and over, he disobeyed me. Over and over I had to give him consequences. Dylan has also been very pushy and loud lately, especially when Sam and Jacob don't do what he wants them to do. He is frustrated and he inflicts his frustration on his smaller siblings. Now, I am no perfect mother. I promise you. I try to be very patient and calm with my children. And often, when I try to do it in my own strength I fail, miserably! The only way I can truly accomplish this, is in the power of the Holy Spirit. So, with this background, here's the dialog.

Dylan - smooch, smooch, hug, hug, on Momma
Momma - (Not feeling loved b/c of prior disobediences) Dylan, I love you. If you really want to love me, please obey me. It is very important that you learn to obey Momma.
Dylan - blankly, Yes Ma'am
(I can hear the Lord whispering these words to my heart as well....) Lord, let my heart me more responsive, for my sake and Dylan's.

Dylan - pushing and yelling at Jacob and Sam to get this way
Momma - Dylan, hurting and threatening people is not going to get them to do what you want them to do. You have to LOVE them and be kind to them.
(Yes, Carmen, that is true for you, too.) Yes, Lord. I know you are right.

Love, obedience. Isn't that why we love the Lord? Because He first loved us. I have to love my children, with attention, patience, kindness and gentle adoration, even when they disobey me. This is what compels obedience. Not the fear of any consequence. I give my children consequences for disobedience because when they mature and become adults, they must know that every choice they make has consequences. It is also how the Lord disciplines His own children, by allowing us to learn by reaping what we have sown when we decide to repeatedly disobey. But today I realized that consequences are not what motivate my children to obey me. It is knowing that I love them and that they can trust me that makes them want to do what I ask. It's just like our relationship with the Lord. Isn't that what compels us to obey God? Threats, accusations and guilt are the Enemy's tactics, deceptions, to keep us in submission. Not God's. God gave His life for us. God's love was nailed to a tree. We are free. That is why I want to obey. Because even when I disobey, He still loves me and paid the price even for my most recent disobediences. Before I sin Lord, help me to remember the price that you paid to receive me back from it. (Banish the thought, Lord. Though I know each day that I live falls short of Your mark.) May I see obedience in the light of Your Love, for myself and for my children.

1 Samuel 15:22 - Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the sin of idolatry.

Hosea 6:6 - For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.

1 John 4:10 -This is love: not that we loved God, but that He first loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

1 John 4:19 -We love because He first loved us.

Righteousness: (for us and raising our children)
James 1:19-20 - My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger, for man's anger does not produce the righteousness of God.

If we truly acknowledge Him, and all that He is, we will want to obey, won't we? No praise, no self-chosen form of "acknowledgment" of the Lord, can ever replace our need to obey the commands our loving God. Father, give me an obedient heart and wisdom to count every command as a gently spoken blessed direction, remembering all that you have prepared for me and how very much You love me.

If I want people to know that the Lord is the Living God, Almighty, Ever-present, Unlimited and All-seeing, then I need to act like He is. Do what He says, when He says it. All the way, right away, in a happy way. Lord, may I practice this, even when I get it wrong, may I return to get it right.

May I listen more than I speak. May I love more than I think.


Big Red Dogs and Old Orange Pots

Yesterday, and still today, I am sick with a very sore throat. Two of my children, Dylan and Jacob, have pink eye, runny noses and productive coughs. Several things have happened over the course of these days, with more still to come, I'm sure. Things to wallow in self-pity over, and things that remind me of God's grace, His constant presence and ability. All in all, the final message of anything I could type today is, that deception is distraction and distraction is deception. Don't be distracted and thus deceived. It is the Deceiver's greatest tool: distraction, half truth, misdirection. Keep your eyes on that which is good and lovely, pure and true.

Also, when we finally see our faults, let us be quick to change our course. Don't wallow in pride or shame. Confess it, receive forgiveness, and pick your next foot up and plant it in the right direction. Change your course. Make your very next step true and spend no more time on that wrong road. It will not only benefit you, but those you are watching you.

Lord, keep me from being distracted and deceived. Keep my eyes on You, Your Name and and all that You have revealed to me, all that You have written on my heart. Help me to be an effectual doer of the Word and not a forgetful hearer. I want to know You more, and to live for You, more. If I am a good mother, Lord, in the eyes of the world, it is only because of Your Grace that leads me, forgives me and gently guides me. Thy rod and thy staff, Your discipline and shelter, they do comfort me greatly. Thank You, Lord, for gently leading those who have young. Help me to love my children with Your heart. Help me to love myself, too. For where much grace is given, there is much to give. I submit myself to Your will, Lord. It is good and perfect. May these lessons not be lost on me.


Here's one of my new favorite songs:

Rushing Wind

Rushing wind blow through this temple,
Blowing out the dust within,
Come and breathe you breath upon me,
I've been born again.

Holy spirit, I surrender, take me where you want to go,
Plant me by your living water,
Plant me deep so I can grow.

Jesus, you're the one, who sets my spirit free,
Use me lord, glorify, your holy name through me.

Separate me from this world lord.
Sanctify my life for you.
Daily change me to your image,
Help me bear good fruit.

Every day you're drawing closer.
Trials come to test my faith.
But when all is said and done lord,
You know, it was worth the wait.

Jesus, you're the one, who set my spirit free,
Use me lord, glorify, your holy name through me.

Rushing wind blow through this temple,
Blowing out the dust within,
Come and breathe you breath upon me,
For I've been born again.

by Keith Green

One last thing, I give great thanks to the Living God for my sisters and friends in Christ, for my husband and my earthly family, whom God has given me greater grace to love. Thank You, Jesus. When we submit ourselves to Him and love others as He does, you finally know its true - Jesus Loves You. The God of the universe, loves you, sees you, knows you, and wants to help you.

In Hope and Love,


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How I wonder what you are...

Ephesians 1:17 - I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of revelation, so that you may know Him better.

Why did you say it Momma?
Because I want you to do it, honey.

I gave you what you have, please share it with your brother.

Dylan, Sam is asking you to come here because I asked her to. She is doing what I asked her to do. If you don't listen to my messenger, you aren't listening to me.

These are things I said to my children today. Things I heard the Lord speak to me, also. Words spoken with my own lips, given to me with an example - a picture of His wisdom and my lack of understanding. How gracious He is! What a little child I am. Lord, help me to parent as you do.

Today, I am a walking handkerchief. Jacob has a runny nose and is constantly running to me to wipe it on my pants, or my leg, or my shirt. Lord, help me to constantly run to you. And Father, help me to recognize all that you bore for me.

Baking Bread
Deuteronomy 8:3 - Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

Exodus 16:4 - He gave them bread from heaven to eat.

John 6:35 - Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty."

Baking Bread - salt, water, flour, oil, and yeast. We are like little loaves of bread. We need to be sifted, kneaded, allowed to rise and then tested and punched back down. A little more flour, the dry Word, which solidifies us. A little more water, the wet Word, which refreshes and softens us. It's a balance, but no matter what stage of preparation we are in, we need Jesus and the presence of His Holy Spirit, the yeast of Praise to Him, which takes what is low and raises it up and multiplies all that we could ever be, all to be made into bread. To nourish us, and others. Lord, knead me today, add your flour and water. Let me have your salt within. Oil me with gladness and let this little loaf glorify You.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Daniel 12:3 - Those who impart wisdom will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.

Philippians 2:14 -16 - Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you will shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the Word of Life - in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing. (Now there's a prayer for mothers!)

Sam had me sing her to sleep before her nap time. First, Jesus Loves Me. But this time I sang it and realized I needed to hear it. Then, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, which is one I don't normally like to sing because I thought it wasn't about Jesus. But today, the Lord who gives wisdom generously, showed me that it is about Him, and I sang it to Sam as if she were the star:

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder, what you are.
I love you, my Sam.

Thank you, Father, for making sweet praise to you and affirmation for me, flow from my very own lips for my ears to hear and embrace. Write these truths and lessons on my heart, Lord, that they may spring forth and bear good fruit for You.

Be Good Soil, Today
Dylan and I read the story of the sower and the seeds today. (Matthew 13:23) We also read the story of Jesus standing up in the synagogue to read the scripture and declaring that He fulfilled the prophecy that day. (Luke 4:14 - 30) We actually read that one twice, from two different books, unintentionally! I guess I need to hear this: We need to be ready, don't we? Scripture is true Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. Today His scripture is fulfilled in my hearing. Today He stands in my heart and speaks His Word to me for my edification. Lord, give me ears to hear and eyes to see, You. From the story of the sower, I saw for the first time that good soil is that which has been tilled, any debris removed, all stones thrown out, all previous roots killed and gone. Also, nothing else has been sown there or allowed to grow. It is nothing but dirt, naked and laid bare, enriched because of what has been purged from it. It is ready to receive seeds, the Word of God, so that it can be nurtured, hidden and embraced, watered and shown to produce an abundant crop. Lord, make me good soil. Lay me bare before You.

And Sam, Dylan, Jacob, I pray you will indeed twinkle like stars up above the world so high - like a diamond in the sky. How I wonder what you are. What you will be. Though it is still a mystery to me what treasures lie hidden, what gifts are there, what talents and skills yet to be developed, I am filled with joy that I get to discover it with you. Lord, help me to see the treasures hidden in Your children, for they aren't my diamonds, are they?

Loving You, Lord.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Standing in the Gap

Ezekiel 22:30 - I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so that I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.

Below is a prayer that I received from a woman that I didn't know at the time. She is now my prayer warrior who covers me as I study the book of James with her and many others. Around Christmas, I requested prayer for a friend of mine who is hurting. This is the email trail with her prayer for you. I pray that you are blessed by her prayer and encouraged that we have such a gracious God who puts our loved ones on our hearts, and the hearts of others, so that we might ask Him to intercede. Thank you, Lord. Thank you Michele.

Prayer for Hannah:

Gracious Heavenly Father,

We lift Hannah, her children, her ex-husband and surrounding loved ones up before your Incredible Throne of Grace. Thank you, Lord, that you have drawn her to seek Wisdom and Understanding from Your Mighty Hand. We know that even this comes from You. Abba Papa, with humble and grateful hearts, we are expecting to hear and see Great things in Hannah's life and in the lives of those around her, because a contrite heart You NEVER deny. So, we pray for a contrite heart for Hannah...that she will SEE and share what You bring to her heart and her mind. You know how best to accomplish this, as You have in each one of our lives.

Thank you also, Lord, for placing Your servants in Hannah's life to speak Truth and to be a witness and a light. Continue to guide them as Your instrument of Mercy and Grace.

We come against every obstacle that would exalt itself against the knowledge of Christ in Hannah's life, even those false teachings and ideas that are not of You, no matter where they have come from. We declare that she, Hannah, is Your precious daughter this day and that NO weapon formed against her shall prosper. This is the Day of the Lord in her life, her day of Salvation...and we thank you, Awesome Father, that You are the Victorious One!!!

Dear Carmen,
I don't know that I know you, but our friend sent your request to me and as I prayed, I felt lead to email this back to you. Please know that what I prayed I truly feel did not come from me, but through me by His Mighty Spirit. Be encouraged yourself, precious sister.

Dear Michele,
I have read and reread your prayer and with tears of thanksgiving and humility before the Grace of our Lord Jesus, I have wept. Thank you for sending on this prayers. I shall save it and pray it repeatedly with you. Your words of encouragement for Hannah and for me have been a great gift. Thank you.

Praise Him who is above all other names!

Love in Christ,


May we continue to seek Your face, Lord, in the lives of those we love. May we speak with greater humility and love with greater boldness. May we know that we do not stand in the gap alone. In your will, Lord. Amen.

Sign Language, The Law of Liberty, Training Wheels and True Faith

James 2:19-20 - You believe that God is One. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder. But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow that faith without works is useless?

We've been studying what true faith looks like in the book of James.
Here are some of my notes: :-)


I was working on how faith without works is dead when my son Dylan awoke about 45 minutes early from his nap. I had just finished reading the Shema, (Deut 6:4-9) which says we are to impress the command to love the Lord on the hearts of our children, so though I was reluctant, I set down my notebook thinking that my time for Bible Study was over and put him in my lap instead. He asked me to read his favorite Bible story, the story of Jericho. So, I turned to the book of Joshua and began to read. Well, lo and behold, it was the story of Rahab! I read aloud to my son how Jericho was utterly destroyed by the Israelites. (We tend to forget that don't we?)

Who's side are we on? I also noticed that in the encounter between Joshua and the Angel of the Lord, that when Joshua asks if the Angel is, "For us or for our enemies?", the Angel promptly replies, "Neither, but as commander of the army of the Lord, I have now come." What a beautiful picture of how God considers himself regarding all that is going on around us. He is not a respecter of persons, but only pursues His good and perfect will, which is to show Himself faithful to all who are willing to recognize Him, regardless of who's 'side' we are on.

In our study of James, we read of Rahab's faith, but forget its results outside of her faithful response. According to the account in the book of Joshua, Rahab risked her life to save the spies of Israel from the king of Jericho, who already knew the spies were at her home. She declared that the Lord was the God of heaven above and of the earth below. She had heard of His greatness and feared Him enough to risk her life. She aligned her life in accordance with God's plans. Also, with the deal she made with the spies for saving their lives, she managed to get a promise that covered not only herself, but her mother, her father, her sisters and brothers and all that belonged to them. But, in order to ensure their safety during the imminent destruction of Jericho, she had to have told her entire family of the spies and their promise to her. (I'm sure that watching Rahab prepare her home for waiting out the battle was the final convincing straw.) Finally, her family had to trust her, and separate themselves from the people of Jericho before and during the attack to ensure that they were not killed in the massacre that ensued after the walls of Jericho fell. Once everyone in Jericho was killed, Rahab and her family were released from her home and allowed to live with the Israelites, outside of the camp. This is considerable when all the Gentile people of Canaan were destined to be destroyed. Also, when you read the lineage of Christ, Rahab, the Gentile harlot, is included - a woman who was the daughter of Abraham according to her faith. Out of all of the women among the Israelites, God chose this one, who stayed outside the camp. This spoke volumes to me concerning our loved ones, who we pray for each day. We are to tell them of the promise concerning the coming destruction and invite them to come and abide with us while we prepare and wait for the salvation of the Lord.

Sign Language:

My son, Dylan, asked me why we have sign language. I explained to him that it was because some people can't hear. So, in order to communicate with them, we have to use our expressions and our hands to show them what we were trying to say. They can see what we are doing, but they can't make sense of what's coming out of our mouths. So in order for them to understand what we are trying to communicate to them, we have to use a language they can understand, our actions. Well, this just spoke volumes to me concerning the unsaved and what they can and can not grasp. Even those who refuse to listen to any words that I speak concerning Christ, they are very receptive to love, humility and respect. These are the things that they desire to know more of. I thought it was interesting that a dead, dry, brittle faith can save no one - not even yourself. But a vibrant, living, fruit-producing faith will save not only you, but those you love, according to the love you live in Christ. Now that's talking! :-)


Finally, the account of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac records how Abraham was able to look past the death of his son to the Lord's provision of life, already believing that Isaac would return with him back down from the mountain. This is also the story of when the Lord was recognized as Jehovah Jireh - the Lord will provide. That in itself is a beautiful testimony to how the Lord supplies the for the lives of those who love Him above themselves.


Here's the definition and revelation from Vine's Dictionary - that which is produced by the inherent energy of a living organism; the visible expression of power working inwardly and invisibly; the character of the fruit being evidence of the character of the power producing it; the outward effect of divine chastening; as the expression of the union of the Christian with God; of advantage, profit, consisting of sanctification through deliverance from a life of sin and through service to God; to come into being; metaphorically of conduct or that which takes affect in conduct.


Remember, when Jesus says, "I never knew you", the word "knew" in Matthew 7:13-29 indicates a relationship! These people were acting according to their own desires. Their actions did not save themselves because they weren't done in accordance with God's will. It wasn't done in obedience.


I looked up the Greek word for greedy and found that it means lucre, which is directly translated, filthy, or gain. Then I remembered that we are to "Lay aside all filthiness (or greediness, all dissatisfaction), and all wickedness (or selfishness and pride) and in humility, receive the Word engrafted, which is able to save our souls." Now, gain had both a positive and negative definition, the negative definition for gain was: to gain things is said of getting injury and loss; to claim unduly; to overreach - which is exactly what we are doing when our heart isn't satisfied, or greedy for more. Then the definition went on to say that true gain is "of so practically appropriating Christ to oneself that He becomes the dominating power in and over one's whole being and circumstances", (Philippians 3:8).


Again from Vine's, and the Lord - to deem to be right; to show to be right or righteous; to declare to be righteous, to pronounce righteousness;

"Justification" being the legal and formal acquittal from guilt by God as judge; cleared of all charges; the pronouncement of the sinner as righteous who believes in Jesus Christ. It is synonymous with the OT term for righteousness which was used sparsely in the OT, mostly in the book of Job! Job, whose ultimate hope was in God's declaration of his justification. The OT is in agreement with this hope of righteousness.

Faith results in acceptance with God, and is therefore bound to manifest itself in our lives.

The Law of Freedom:

James 2:12-13 - So speak and so act as those who are going to be judged by the law of Liberty. For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment!

It's like Dylan riding his little bicycle with training wheels. Before we knew Christ, we were like the rear wheel. Fixed, bound, unable to change our own course, reliant on training wheels to keep us up. But once we came to know Him, we are now like the front wheel, able to steer and go in any direction, free from the dependency of outside stabilizers. We can now stand on our own! Balanced from the one who now steers our course. We must be sure that Christ is steering now that we have so much freedom to turn this way and that! For if Christ isn't sitting in the driver's seat, determining our path, who is?

Thanks for listening. Praise God from whom all wisdom comes!



Little Prism

Lamentations 3:22-26 - Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness. I say to myself,"The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for Him." The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait for the salvation of the Lord.

This is the account of God, of His overwhelming blessing of peace. The Lord covered me, surrounded me, on the clear February morning that my four year old son, Dylan, had triple hernia surgery.

My Dear Sisters,

As I was waiting to hear from my husband from the surgery center, praying over my sweet child and rebuking the fear of the evil one, I was making breakfast for Samantha (2) and Jacob (1). In my kitchen, which faces east, I have a little prism hanging in my window. On an ordinary day, there are usually three or four little rainbows scattered in the kitchen and living room. But today, as I prayed for peace and healing and thought on all that we have learned this week from the book of James about trials and their purpose, I turned from the window to face my kitchen. It was FLOODED with a multitude of beautiful, bright-shining, vibrant rainbows! There were rainbows on the ceiling and on the walls, on the refrigerator and on the cabinets. There were rainbows above and rainbows below. I knew it was the presence of our Holy God. His Spirit surrounded me this morning, and in His presence there is the fullness of joy! What a blessing! The rainbow is a sign of God's covenant to never flood the earth again. It's a sign of God's patience with us and that He sees us and makes us good promises, knowing who and where we are and what we need most! He knew that every time it rained we would fear disaster. So, He set His bow in the sky to help us remember how faithful is He.

He is El Roi, our God who sees each of us. He reminded me of that at 5:30 AM this morning when I kissed my child in the dark and hugged him close. The Lord revealed to me that there are places and things that our children must go through that we can not go and do for them. They must stand on their own to learn things for themselves, to have their own faith proven. This reverberated through me. I realized in my heart just how important it is to make the most of my time with them, to listen to the Holy Spirit's promptings, and to surround my children with God's love, more that anything else. The Savior's Love was the only thing I could give to Dylan to take with him this morning as he walked out of my bedroom, the Love of the Lord - not only how much I love him, but even more, how much his Creator loves him. He needs to know this. Because it's only through God's Love that we can have the confidence to take these trials on face first, clinging to His LOVE. God is Love. How brave a four year old can be! And how precious we all must be to our heavenly Father.

I pray that each of us will know just how much we are loved and treasured by our Lord and Savior. These trials are hard, but they are good, because HE is good. Thank you all so much for covering us with your prayers. How great a God we serve! That we can each come to Him with all that is on our hearts, that He WANTS to fill us with all peace and joy in Christ, is just so amazing. That we each have dear ones, who we love, who are suffering or ignoring His promptings, oh, that He puts them on our hearts to be lifted up to Him! Thank you, Lord! And thank you, my sisters, for that is what you are, nearer and dearer to me than any others because of what He has shared with us. Thank you, Lord! How amazing and how truly humbling.

I pray you are blessed with the knowledge of His love for you and for all whom we have lifted up in prayer to Him. I feel this overwhelmingly and must pass it on to each of you. God bless you!

Love in Christ,


Student of My Children

Micah 6:8 - He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

I am learning, day by day, how to apply what the Word of God speaks into my life. Daily the Lord teaches me through my children, through the very words I speak to them and understand with them, for them. I come to see that they really apply to me, in every way. Hold still. Love. Forgive. Don't complain. Trust me. I love you. So, really that's what this is. A place to share my musings and lessons with other mothers who long to know the Lord more intimately. May you come to see yourself as His sweet child, too.