Let me tell you just a little bit about Kelly.
Kelly, while I was in my illness and distress, brought over homemake chicken soup in a large, old orange pot along with a batch of freshly made breakfast muffins. Also included in her delivery were 3 DVD's from the local library, one of which was "Clifford, the Big Red Dog". In addition, she went to the grocery store for me and brought back noodles for the soup, tea, fresh fruit and OJ. Some of which I'm sure she didn't make me pay for, though I did write her a check... So, my lessons on "getting on the right path when you realize you made a mistake", and that "deception is distraction", both came from watching Clifford with spiritual eyes. (Funny, huh?) The old orange pot on the stove reminded me of God's provision when I was tempted to feel sorry for myself. I simply remembered the hands that delivered the pot and for whom she lives her life. I knew why that pot was on my stove. Because the Lord of the Universe loves me. I have no reason to complain. I am loved, and being cared for ever so well, by my heavenly Father and those who choose to be His hands. So, there's the explanation of the title for my sick days entry. I hope now it makes a little more sense. Thanks Kelly. Thank You, Lord. :-)
A final word:
To those of you who know me, and those of you who don't yet, please understand that I myself am learning, taking very baby steps, to walk out all this talk posted on this blog. I seem to have eyes to see the spiritual truths in almost everything around me when I listen for God's promptings. When I try to come up with something on my own - I am blank. Nothing. So, I am listening and praying, trying to figure out how best to use this gift to God's glory. Hopefully typing it out and having others read it will give me greater accountability and motivation to strive towards living a holy life. I see so much, may I be a reflection of what is revealed to me.
Therefore, my hope is to:
Ephesians 4:1 - As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Help me live a life worthy of the calling that I have received, Father. Thank you for teaching me and for giving me an inspiration, an outlet, for sharing this gift. All glory and honor are Yours.In Christ,